21 December 2018 /

On December 18, 2018, the Ministry Energy ("SENER”) and the Energy Regulatory Commission ("CRE") published in the Federal Official Gazette the Resolutions: A/040/2018; A/043/2018; A/044/2018.

A/040/2018: sets forth the applicable interpretation criteria for business models compatible permit titles granted by the CRE for fuel retail activities at service stations of permit holders who intend to promote diverse business models.

A/043/2018: establishes permit update causes, different from permit modification causes, and appoints the Heads of the corresponding Administrative Units of the CRE as the competent authority for resolving these matters.

A/044/2018: stipulates the applicable criteria for the regulated activities in biofuels retail, distribution and commercialization activities, and distributes the regulatory powers between SENER and the CRE.

We invite you to review the generalities of these agreements on our website, where we have publish a summary of these resolutions, which you can review in the following link:
