07 July 2020 /

We inform you that on July 7, 2020, certain federal agencies published in the Federal Official Gazzette (“DOF”), some relevant resolutions, regarding the following.

We inform you that on July 7, 2020, certain federal agencies published in the Federal Official Gazzette (“DOF”), some relevant resolutions, regarding the following:


  • National Center for Energy Control ("CENACE"). Published the Fifth Resolution which amends the suspension of terms and deadlines in the acts and procedures carried out before the Administrative Units of the CENACE, from March 26 to April 19, 2020, extending such suspension for the period from July 1, 2020, until the health authority determines that there is no epidemiological risk related to the opening, which can be consulted in the following link: https://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_de...

  • Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources ("SEMARNAT"). Issued the Decree which approves the Sectorial Program for the Environment and Natural Resources 2020-2024, including such program, which can be consulted at the following link: http://dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle...

  For the attention of any question or information associated to the publication of the referred resolutions, please contact our lawyers:


Carlos Antonio Flores




Esteban de Jesús Sánchez

