
Lorena Cendejas


Mexico City

+52 (55) 5202-0405


Mexico City

+52 (55) 5202-0405

Principal at Rodríguez Dávalos Abogados, Lorena Cendejas (economist) has over 10 years of experience in the energy sector and is highly specialized in designing economic and financial models for rates applicable to activities regulated by the CRE on Natural Gas, LPG, LNG and Petroleum Products.

During her previous experience, Lorena was Director of Rate Analysis at the Energy Regulatory Commission (Comisión Reguladora de Energía or CRE), where she actively participated in the development of rate methodologies for the five-year reviews and the design and application of rates for the National Integrated Transmission and Storage System. She also participated in the development of the capital cost methodology for regulated activities in the field of natural gas.

She is currently engaged in the design and determination of rates for storage and transmission of petroleum products and petrochemicals for Pemex Logística infrastructure. 

She earned her Master's in Economics from the Economic Research and Teaching Center (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica or CIDE). She also has a Master's in Finance from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México or ITAM).